Avv. Alberta Frondoni

Alberta Frondoni graduated in Law from the University of Genoa in 1990 with a dissertation on Maritime Law.

Having concluded two years of legal training with a leading law firm specialising in transport law in Genoa, while waiting to be called to the bar: she attended the annual course held by the Association of Steamship Agents in Genoa; completed a further period of legal practice in London with leading firms of maritime lawyers (3 Essex Court, Barrister; and Middleton Potts, Solicitors); attended the ‘Lawyers for Companies’ Master run by SOGEA in Genoa, obtaining a certificate upon completing the course.

She has worked as a lawyer in Genoa since 1993, gaining experience in the fields of freight transport law (national and international, maritime, land, and air), as well as the insurance and sales of transported goods and pleasure craft; since 2015 teaching / trainer in the same subjects.

Since 1992 she has been a member of the Editorial Committee of the scholarly journal ‘Il Diritto marittimo’ edited by Prof. Avv. Francesco Berlingieri, in Genoa, publishing articles and notes commenting on Italian and International case law decisions in the field of transport (by air, by road and by sea) and insurance.

From 1992 she is a member of f WISTA (Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association) and in the two year period 2005 – 2007 and from 2011 to 2019 member of the Board, organising seminars and conferences on maritime law and developing issues of interest to the maritime cluster.

Since 1992 member of Int’l Propeller Club of Genoa.

Since 2013 she has been cooperating with MAT (Marine Aviation & Transport Insurance Review), ANIA’s Review on line (Associazione Nazionale fra Imprese Assicuratrici).

She has been teaching Law of Navigation at the Italian Academy of the Merchant Navy in Genoa since 2015.

She has been teaching Law of Transport at AS.FO.R. in Genoa since 2015.

Since September 2017 Qualified Trainer with “Training Course for Trainers” diploma under the STCW / Sec. A-I / 6 Code STCW and according to Model Course IMO 6.09.

Since 2018 she is a member of AIDIM – Italian Association of Maritime Law.

Since 2019 member and teacher at C.I.S.Co. – Centro Internazionale Studio Containers in Genoa.


+39 010 5700122 – +39 344 1667548
Piazza Verdi 6/9 – 16121 Genova – Italy