Avv. Giancarlo Porzio

Giancarlo Porzio graduated in Law with the maximum score from the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples, presenting a dissertation on Navigation Law discussing the ‘The voyage charter contract – Legal and contractual regulation’.

In 1993, after a one-year internship at the London office of an English law firm, he began working with Studi Legali Consociati (SLC – Avvocati Porzio Bove e Associati), becoming a partner in 1995.

He joined the Genoa Chambers initiative together with the other partners of SLC in 2010.

Giancarlo Porzio has gained experience in all areas of Navigation Law (litigation and others), especially in the area of contracts for the use of ships (transport, chartering, hiring), bills of lading, salvage, marine insurance, shipbuilding contracts, contracts for the sale of ships, liability arising from accidents on board and in the workplace, compensation for damage from marine pollution, as well as Civil and Commercial Law, especially contracts for the international sale of movable property.


+39 010 5957299
+39 010 5749726
Piazza Verdi 6/9 – 16121 Genoa Italy