Avv. Paola Barucco

Paola Barucco graduated in law with the highest honours (magna cum laude) from the University of Genoa in 1988.

She was called to the bar in 1991 and has been registered as an attorney with right of audience at the Italian Supreme Court since 2007.

After working for one of the most important Maritime Law firms in Italy, she joined the Genoa Chambers initiative in 2004.

She has professional experience in the fields of international law and navigation, focusing in particular on transport (by sea, land, air, and rail) and chartering issues, as well as cases related to intermodal transport and the application of the various instruments of international uniform law governing transportation.

In the insurance sector, she offers advice and assistance to companies in the traditional market – both in the Freight and Hull sectors – as well as assisting P&I insurers. For these, she also handles disputes relating to shipowner liability for occupational illness and accidents. She also works in the non-marine insurance sector, addressing issues relating to the role of the broker and relations between brokers and the companies.

She is a member of the Italian Association of Maritime Law.


+39 010 592090
+39 010 8932464
Piazza Verdi 6/9 – 16121 Genoa – Italy