Dott.ssa Cristina Pastore

Cristina Pastore graduated in Business Economics from the University of Genoa in 2010, and in 2012 she obtained a Master’s Degree (magna cum laude) in Administration, Finance and Control from the same university.

She is a Chartered Accountant, enrolled on the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Genoa since 2014. She is also a Statutory Auditor, enrolled with the Institute of Statutory Auditors since 2015.

She has been working at Genoa Chambers since 2012, dealing with insolvency and pre-insolvency and with enterprises in crisis, corporate law and corporate and tax consulting.

She is an Official Liquidator with the Bankruptcy Section of the Court of Genoa and is an official for the sale of real estate by proxy for the Enforcement Judge of the Court of Genoa.

She is a longstanding member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of a number of companies and has been working as an External Auditor since 2015.


+39 010 5700122
+39 010 8935191
Piazza Verdi 6/9 – 16121 Genoa – Italy