Avv. Vittorio Porzio

Vittorio Porzio graduated in law with the highest honours (magna cum laude) from the Federico II University of Naples on 6th May 1967.

After qualifying in 1969, he began practising as a lawyer at the Naples office of the Law Firm Studi Legali Consociati (SLC – Avvocati Porzio Bove e Associati), becoming a partner in the same year.

In 1969 he followed a period of study of Maritime Law in London with English law firms and P & I Clubs and, from 2010, along with other members of SLC (lawyers Alberto Serino and Giancarlo Porzio), he joined the Genoa Chambers initiative.

From the very start, much of his work took him abroad as well to law firms in Naples, Genoa, Ravenna, and Milan in Italy.

Vittorio Porzio’s main interests are navigation and transport law. He undertakes litigation, including work as an arbitrator in Italy and England, as well as offering consultancy and assistance on maritime and insurance matters (P&I, H&M, pleasure craft, accidents at sea, the sale of ships, contracts for the use of ships and commercial contracts), thus accruing significant experience in the field of maritime law.

He has authored numerous scholarly publications on maritime matters.


+39 010 5957299
+39 010 5749726
Piazza Verdi 6/9 – 16121 Genoa – Italy