Genoa Chambers is a group of lawyers and accountants offering global consultancy and assistance in international, civil, corporate, tax, administrative and criminal matters, serving both companies and individuals.
Its founders think of a structure where individual lawyers and accountants, moved by the same professional ethics and specialized in shipping, company law, bankruptcy and tax law as well as in international trade, can operate independently, with the advantage of benefiting from the continuous exchange of experiences and skills of the other members and above all with the option of working in teams, combining the experience and expertise of its members and also external specialists, according to the needs of the client.
Over the years, among others, Paolo Botta, Paola Barucco, Vittorio Porzio, Alberto Serino and GianCarlo Porzio have joined the project.
In 2015, Genoa Chambers – while maintaining its philosophy – grows and is joined by new professionals, thus becoming a multi-sector structure, able to offer customers assistance also in civil, administrative and criminal law matters.
Years of Experience
Fields of Activity
Lawyers and Accountants